Not Ashamed (Week 25) Daniel 2:1-45 “The Times of The Gentiles”

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Not Ashamed (Week 25) Daniel 2:1-45 “The Times of The Gentiles”
“…I will call Not My People, My People, and she who is Unloved, Beloved. And it will
be in the place where they were told, you are not My people, there they will be called
sons of The Living God.” Romans 9:25b-26
I believe that many Christians today struggle with the idea of God’s complete sovereignty. Many
believe that God is reactionary, that He sees what is going on down here, and then, responds to it
accordingly. The Bible is clear that this is not the case. God is SOVEREIGN, which means there is never a
moment when He is not in complete control. He sees the beginning from the end and nothing can occur
unless He allows is to be so. If people could only get a grasp upon this reality, then their faith would
increase exponentially. God’s will cannot be undone, or even slowed. He is all-powerful, all-knowing, and
fully in command. This is how we can know that we are secure in Christ Jesus because God has
destined it to be so.
