finding… c H r I s t M a s Luke 1:26-38; 2:1-7 “The Journey of Mary and Joseph”

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finding… c H r I s t M a s Luke 1:26-38; 2:1-7 “The Journey of Mary and Joseph”
Have you ever noticed throughout the scriptures that those whom God calls are, more often than
not, sent on some sort of journey? Think about it for a moment; Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David,
Daniel and the entire nation of Israel, just to name a few. All were sent out into some type of “wilderness”
of God’s choosing. They were required to leave behind all that they knew, and with which they were
familiar, and sent to places where only God could sustain them. I believe that there is a spiritual truth that
we should glean from this. In his famous devotional book, Experiencing God, Henry Blackaby makes a
statement that I have always thought to have profound significance. He said, “You cannot stay where you
are and go with God.” Sounds simple doesn’t it?
