Edd and Jenn Schieri

After holding some type of leadership position for most of his working career, it should have made being called to become a youth leader easier, but he says somehow the years of experience do not seem to apply when dealing with teenagers. Together Edd and his wife Jenn are leading the teen group on their way to a closer relationship with God.
While the youth are his main focus for leadership now, Edd and Jenn also head up the drama team. While Edd is comfortable on the platform, Jenn is the quiet type. She would much rather be unseen and unheard than to be on stage in front of everyone. But God has equipped her with the courage to do it and know she loves to help kick off Pastor Scott’s message through dramatic arts. In formality, you would think that Edd would have heard the call to join the ministry. However, Jenn was the one who God spoke through to get them where He wanted them.

If they are not helping bring the youth together, you will find them spending time with the family. They have three boys Jaydon, Gavin and Landon. They all really enjoy the outdoors so look for them at the
lake, camping, four wheeling or just out riding bikes.
Edd says,
“leading in the ministry is the last thing I thought
I would be doing but we all know how God shows up
and shows out. Gods plan is ALWAYS better then your own!“